Results for 'Mo Mo Than'

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  1.  43
    Knowledge, Awareness, Attitudes, and Practices towards Research Ethics and Research Ethics Committees among Myanmar Post-graduate Students.Mo Mo Than, Hein Htike & Henry J. Silverman - 2020 - Asian Bioethics Review 12 (4):379-398.
    Health research has increased during the last decade, which has enhanced the importance of research ethics. However, little is known regarding the knowledge, awareness, attitudes, and practices of investigators in Myanmar. To assess awareness, knowledge, and attitudes of post-graduates regarding research ethics and research ethics committees (RECs) and their informed consent practices and to determine the association between their responses and certain independent factors. We conducted a cross-sectional study using a questionnaire that was distributed to a convenience sample of post-graduates (...)
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  2.  28
    Current Status of Research Ethics Capacity in Myanmar.Zaw-Zaw Oo, Yin-Thet-Nu Oo, Mo-Mo Than, Khine Zaw Oo, Min Wun, Kyaw-Soe Htun & Henry Silverman - 2018 - Asian Bioethics Review 10 (2):123-132.
    Myanmar has recently surfaced from total military rule and efforts at conducting research to enhance the health of the population has increased during the recent democratization process, both from the military and civil sectors as well as support from international agencies. International guidelines mandate that such research requires prior ethics review in accordance with international standards. Previous commentators have expressed concerns, however, regarding the degree of adequate training in research ethics for investigators, the optimal functioning of Research Ethics Committees, and (...)
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  3.  49
    The Curvilinear Relationship Between Ethical Leadership and Team Creativity: The Moderating Role of Team Faultlines.Shenjiang Mo, Chu-Ding Ling & Xiao-Yun Xie - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 154 (1):229-242.
    In this study, we built and tested a theoretical model to determine how ethical leadership affects team creativity among teams composed of different characteristics. Following social learning theory and an antecedent–benefit–cost framework, we conducted analyses of multisource data from 50 team supervisors and 186 employees, which revealed an inverted U-shaped relationship between ethical leadership and team creativity. The teams exhibited more creativity when there was a moderate level of ethical leadership than when there were very low or very high (...)
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  4.  36
    Religious Beliefs Inspire Sustainable HOPE (Help Ourselves Protect the Environment): Culture, Religion, Dogma, and Liturgy—The Matthew Effect in Religious Social Responsibility.Yalin Mo, Junyu Zhao & Thomas Li-Ping Tang - 2023 - Journal of Business Ethics 184 (3):665-685.
    China has achieved economic prominence but damaged the natural environment. Can religions excite pro-environmental actions? Chinese religion encompasses Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, native Taoism, and indigenous folk beliefs (GuanDi and Mazu). We theorize that believers demonstrate more sustainable HOPE (Help Ourselves Protect the Environment) than non-believers. Religions with standardized and formal liturgy show more pro-environmental HOPE than those without it. We challenge the myth that the believers of Christianity and Islam display more sustainable HOPE than other faith. The (...)
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  5.  21
    Taking Decisions Too Seriously: Why Maximizers Often Get Mired in Choices.Mo Luan, Zhengtai Liu & Hong Li - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Maximizing is a topic that has received significant attention from researchers and corporate organizations alike. Although extensive previous research has explored how maximizers behave in a decision scenario, a fundamental question remains about why they prefer a larger assortment regardless of whether the decisions are important or not. This study attempts to explore the underlying mechanism of this phenomenon. Four surveys were conducted, and participants from Mturk or Credamo online platforms were recruited. The maximizing tendency was measured by either maximization (...)
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  6.  1
    Logics for Knowability.Mo Liu, Jie Fan, Hans van Ditmarsch & Louwe B. Kuijer - 2022 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 31 (3):385-426.
    In this paper, we propose three knowability logics LK, LK−, and LK=. In the single-agent case, LK is equally expressive as arbitrary public announcement logic APAL and public announcement logic PAL, whereas in the multi-agent case, LK is more expressive than PAL. In contrast, both LK− and LK= are equally expressive as classical propositional logic PL. We present the axiomatizations of the three knowability logics and show their soundness and completeness. We show that all three knowability logics possess the (...)
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  7. Financial Statement Frauds and Auditor Sanctions: An Analysis of Enforcement Actions in China.Michael Firth, Phyllis L. L. Mo & Raymond M. K. Wong - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 62 (4):367-381.
    The rising tide of corporate scandals and audit failures has shocked the public, and the integrity of auditors is being increasingly questioned. It is crucial for auditors and regulators to understand the main causes of audit failure and devise preventive measures accordingly. This study analyzes enforcement actions issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission against auditors in respect of fraudulent financial reporting committed by listed companies in China. We find that auditors are more likely to be sanctioned by the regulators (...)
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  8. Können Bilder Argumente sein?Nicola Mößner - 2012 - In Manfred Harth & Jakob Steinbrenner, Bilder als Gründe. Köln: Herbert von Halem Verlag.
    In the following text we will consider the question whether pictures can be regarded as arguments or not. Obviously, classical philosophical approaches lead to a different opinion about this topic than our common sense intuitions, which are fostered by our usage of ordinary language. On the one hand, logicians defend the thesis that arguments are of a linguistic kind. On the other hand, there are everyday contexts where, nevertheless, it seems appropriate to ascribe pictures the status of arguments. It (...)
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  9.  27
    Relative Leader-Member Exchange and Unethical Pro-leader Behavior: The Role of Envy and Distributive Justice Climate.Han Li, Shimin Zhang, Shenjiang Mo & Alexander Newman - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 192 (1):99-111.
    In the team context, leaders usually develop differentiated leader-member exchange relationships with employees, resulting in some employees having relatively inferior relationships with the leader than others. Nevertheless, how and when employees with low relative leader-member exchange (RLMX) relationships react toward the leader have been rarely considered in empirical research. Drawing upon social comparison theory, we develop a cross-level moderated mediation model to examine how and when RLMX may lead to employee’s unethical pro-leader behavior (UPLB). We propose that employees with (...)
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  10.  10
    Ranciere and Law.Mónica López Lerma & Julen Etxabe (eds.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This book is the first to approach Jacques Rancière’s work from a legal perspective. A former student of Louis Althusser, Rancière is one of the most important contemporary French philosophers of recent decades: offering an original and path-breaking way to think politics, democracy and aesthetics. Rancière’s work has received wide and increasing critical attention, but no study exists so far that reflects on the wider implications of Rancière for law and for socio-legal studies. Although Rancière does not pay much specific (...)
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  11.  12
    Analogical Symbols: The Role of Visual Cues in Long-Term Transfer.Zhe Chen, Lei Mo, Ryan Honomichl & Myeong-Ho Sohn - 2010 - Metaphor and Symbol 25 (2):93-113.
    We are reminded of relevant stories, tales, or symbols from long-term memory when facing a novel problem our daily lives. Visual cues are 1 tool known to facilitate reminding. In 2 experiments, Chinese students, who had experienced a folk tale many years ago during childhood, were asked to solve an analogous problem. We tested the hypothesis that a visual cue can help bridge the gap between a novel problem and a source analogy experienced in the distant past. Different types of (...)
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  12.  31
    Turning a Blind Eye to Team Members’ Unethical Behavior: The Role of Reward Systems.Qiongjing Hu, Hajo Adam, Sreedhari Desai & Shenjiang Mo - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 194 (2):297-316.
    Organizations have increasingly relied on team-based reward systems to boost productivity and foster collaboration. Drawing on the literature on ethics and justice as well as appraisal theories of emotion, we examine how team-based reward systems can have an insidious side effect: They increase the likelihood that employees remain silent when observing a team member engage in unethical behavior. Across four studies adopting different methods, measures, and samples, we found consistent evidence that people are less likely to report (i.e., speak up (...)
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  13.  24
    Study of Mental Health Status of the Resident Physicians in China During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Shuang-Zhen Jia, Yu-Zhen Zhao, Jia-Qi Liu, Xu Guo, Mo-Xian Chen, Shao-Ming Zhou & Jian-Li Zhou - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveInvestigating the mental health status of Chinese resident physicians during the 2019 new coronavirus outbreak.MethodsA cluster sampling method was adopted to collect all China-wide resident physicians during the epidemic period as the research subjects. The Symptom Checklist-90 self-rating scale was used to assess mental health using WeChat electronic questionnaires.ResultsIn total, 511 electronic questionnaires were recovered, all of which were valid. The negative psychological detection rate was 93.9%. Among the symptoms on the self-rating scale, more than half of the Chinese (...)
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  14.  32
    Depression and Anxiety Among Quarantined People, Community Workers, Medical Staff, and General Population in the Early Stage of COVID-19 Epidemic.Xiaoling Li, Hegao Yu, Weiqiang Yang, Qihua Mo, Zhanggui Yang, Shuangshuang Wen, Fei Zhao, Weishun Zhao, Yongyan Tang, Liang Ma, Ruifen Zeng, Xia Zou & Hanli Lin - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background: We described the prevalence of anxiety and depression related to COVID-19 pandemic among different types of population and examined their potential risk factors.Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted to collect demographic characteristics, exposure histories, and many other concerns about COVID-19. The Zung's self-rating anxiety scale and self-rating depression scale, followed by a four-step multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with mental health outcomes.Results: Out of 3,303 participants, the quarantined people, community workstation staffs-policemen-volunteers and general public (...)
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  15.  23
    Do Immediate External Rewards Really Enhance Intrinsic Motivation?Yuxia Liu, Yang Yang, Xue Bai, Yujie Chen & Lei Mo - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Researchers have conducted many studies on the relationship between external rewards and intrinsic motivation. A recent study showed that, compared with delayed rewards, rewards delivered immediately after the experiment enhanced the participants’ intrinsic motivation. However, this study did not rule out the possibility of a misattribution effect of extrinsic motivation. The present research conducted three studies to explore whether immediate rewards actually enhance intrinsic motivation. To rule out the interference of the misattribution effect of extrinsic motivation, according to the different (...)
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  16.  39
    A Look Into the Power of fNIRS Signals by Using the Welch Power Spectral Estimate for Deception Detection.Jiang Zhang, Jingyue Zhang, Houhua Ren, Qihong Liu, Zhengcong Du, Lan Wu, Liyang Sai, Zhen Yuan, Site Mo & Xiaohong Lin - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Neuroimaging technologies have improved our understanding of deception and also exhibit their potential in revealing the origins of its neural mechanism. In this study, a quantitative power analysis method that uses the Welch power spectrum estimation of functional near-infrared spectroscopy signals was proposed to examine the brain activation difference between the spontaneous deceptive behavior and controlled behavior. The power value produced by the model was applied to quantify the activity energy of brain regions, which can serve as a neuromarker for (...)
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  17.  38
    The need for Po-Mo in educational theory is greater than ever.Marilyn Fleer - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (14):1545-1546.
  18.  9
    Möbian Nights: reading literature and darkness.Sandor Goodhart - 2017 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Möbian Nights: Literary Reading in a Time of Crisis develops a new understanding of literary reading: that in the wake of disasters like the Holocaust, death remains a premise of our experience rather than a future. Challenging customary "aesthetic" assumptions that we write in order not to die, Sandor Goodhart suggests (with Kafka) we write to die. Drawing upon analyses developed by Girard, Foucault, Blanchot, and Levinas (along with examples from Homer to Beckett), Möbian Nights proposes that all literature (...)
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  19.  62
    Ryu Young-mo’s Understanding of Christ.Heup Young Kim - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:341-349.
    I have been proposing for ‘christo‐dao’ rather than traditional christo-logy or modern christo‐praxis as a more appropriate paradigm for the understanding of Jesus Christ in the new millennium. This christological paradigm shift solicits a radical change of its root-metaphor, from logos (Christ as the incarnate logos) or praxis (Christ as the praxis of God’s reign) to ‘dao’ (Christ as the embodiment of the Dao, the “theanthropocosmic” Way) with a critical new interpretation. For EastAsian Christians, the christological adoption of dao (...)
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  20. Historisches Worterbuch der Philosophie: Volume 6: Mo-O.Joachim Ritter, Karlfried Grunder & Gottfried Gabriel (eds.) - 1984 - Verlag Scheidegger and Spiess.
    The Historical Dictionary of Philosophy, the _Historisches Wörterbuch der Philosophie,_ is distinguished by its particular presentation of philosophical terms, ideas and concepts. Rather than providing mere defintions or descriptive and analytical explanantions the _HWPh _strictly applies the critical method of history of concepts developed by the eminent German scholar and philosopher Joachim Ritter. By means of precise and detailed references it documents the origin, first occurrence, the historical evolution and the changes of meaning of each concept, from Ancient Greek (...)
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  21.  17
    ‘There is nothing less spectacular than a pestilence’: Picturing the pandemic in Mass Observation's COVID-19 collections.Annebella Pollen - 2023 - History of the Human Sciences 36 (2):71-104.
    What is to be gained by studying visual observation in Mass Observation's COVID-19 collections? What can we see of the pandemic through diarists’ images and words? Visual methods were part of the plural research strategies of social research organisation Mass Observation (MO) in its first phase, when it was established in 1937, but remained marginal in relation to textual research methods. This continues with the post-1981 revival of the Mass Observation Project (MOP), with its emphasis on life writing. With wider (...)
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  22. Representing 3D ob jects by sets of activities of receptiv e elds.Shimon Edelman - unknown
    Idealized mo dels of receptive elds (RFs) can be used as building blocks for the creation of p owerful distributed computation systems. The present rep ort concentrates on inv estigating the utility of collections of RFs in representing 3D objects under changing viewing conditions. The main requirement in this task is that the pattern of activity of RFs vary as little as p ossible when the object and the camera move relative to each other. I propose a method for representing (...)
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  23.  4
    (1 other version)Mo Tzu.Mo zi & Ti Mo - 1963 - New York,: Columbia University Press. Edited by Burton Watson.
    The thoughts and writings of this important fifth century B.C. political and social thinker -- and formidable rival of the Confucianists -- are presented here in English translation.
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  24.  70
    The Philosophy of the Mòzĭ: The First Consequentialists.Chris Fraser - 2016 - New York: Columbia University Press.
    Mohism was an ancient Chinese philosophical movement founded in the fifth century B.C.E. by the charismatic artisan Mozi, or "Master Mo." The Mohists advanced a consequentialist ethics that anticipated Western utilitarianism by more than two thousand years and developed fascinating logical, epistemological, and political theories that set the terms of philosophical debate in China for generations. They were the earliest thinkers to outline a just war doctrine and to explain the origin of government from a state of nature. Their (...)
  25. Externalist moral motivation.Nick Zangwill - 2003 - American Philosophical Quarterly 40 (2):143-154.
    “Motivational externalism” is the externalism until they see more of what view that moral judgements have no motisuch a theory would be like. The mere posvational efficacy in themselves, and that sibility of such a theory is not sufficiently when they motivate us, the source of motireassuring, even given strong arguments vation lies outside the moral judgement in against the opposite position. For there may a separate desire. Motivational externalism also be objections to externalism. contrasts with “motivational internalism,” Moral philosophers (...)
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  26.  77
    The public good that does the public good: A new reading of mohism.Whalen Lai - 1993 - Asian Philosophy 3 (2):125 – 141.
    Abstract Mohism has long been misrepresented. Mo?tzu is usually called a utilitarian because he preached a universal love that must benefit. Yet Mencius, who pined the Confucian way of virtue (humaneness and righteousness) against Mo?tzu's way of benefit, basically borrowed Mo?tzu's thesis: that the root cause of chaos is this lack of love?except Mencius renamed it the desire for personal benefit. Yet Mo?tzu only championed ?benefit? to head off its opposite, ?harm?, specifically the harm done by Confucians who with good (...)
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  27.  25
    Regulation of the ras signalling network.Hiroshi Maruta & Antony W. Burgess - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (7):489-496.
    The mitogenic action of cytokines such as epidermal growth factor (EGF)d̊ or platelet dericed growth factor (PDGF) involves the stimulation of a signal cascade controlled by a small G protein called Ras. Mutations of Ras can cause its constitutive activation and, as a consequence, bypass the regulation of cell growth by cytokines. Both growth factor‐induced and oncogenic activation of Ras involve the conversion of Ras from the GDP‐bound (D‐Ras) to the GTP‐bound (T‐Ras) forms. T‐Ras activates a network of protein kinases (...)
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  28.  29
    Unravelling the Connections Between the Mozi and the Mencius.Carine Defoort - 2023 - In Yang Xiao & Kim-Chong Chong, Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Mencius. Springer. pp. 25-47.
    Standard narratives on the relation between Mozi and Mencius portray them as early Chinese masters with consistent philosophies in opposition to each other. However valuable, these narratives tend to rely on the same interpretative choices that have become solidified into hardly questioned facts. Inspired by a “hermeneutic of informed ignorance,” this paper tries to unravel a number of alternative interpretations from the same texts. The focus is a limited set of passages: the four Mencius statements explicitly mentioning Mozi and the (...)
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  29.  50
    Explanation in the Semantic Conception of Theory Structure.Paul Thompson - 1988 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1988:286 - 296.
    During the last ten years John Beatty, Elisabeth Lloyd and I have argued that the semantic conception of theories is, in the context of biological theorizing, a richer conception of theory structure than the syntactic ("received view") conception. Specifically, I have argued semantic conception of theory structure better represents the structure of evolutionary theory and the relationship of this theory to phenomena. One aspect of the semantic conception that is in need of greater attention is the nature of explanation (...)
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  30.  5
    Unreal Realism.Raymond Dennehy - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (4):631-655.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:UNREAL REAL,JSM RAYMOND DENNEHY University of San Francisco San Francisco,, California Contextual Realism, a Meta-Physical Framework for Modern Science. By RICHARD H. SCHLAGEL. New York: :Raragon House, 1986. Pp. xxiv + 808. $22.95 (cloth). ISBN 0-913729-20-5. The Many Faces of Realism. By HILARY PuTNAM. LaSalle, Ill.: Open Court, 1987. Pp. 98. $8.95 (paper). ISBN 0-81269043 -5. Varieties of Realism: A Rationale fo!f' the Natural Sciences. By RoM HARR.E. Oxford (...)
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  31.  57
    After Irony: Aristophanes' Wealth and its Modern Interpreters.James F. McGlew - 1997 - American Journal of Philology 118 (1):35-53.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:After Irony: Aristophanes’ Wealth and its Modern InterpretersJames McGlewThe contest between Chremylus and Penia in Wealth (488–626) lies at the center of interpretations of Aristophanes’ final surviving play and of Old Comedy’s dramatic and receptive development in Aristophanes’ last years. In much of the work of scholars since Helmut Flashar’s 1967 article, 1 and including A. E. Bowie’s recent study (1993) on Aristophanes, that contest and the episodic portion (...)
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  32.  47
    Revolution, Worldliness, and the Quest for Elitism.Wang Meng - 2000 - Contemporary Chinese Thought 31 (4):46-61.
    Dushu carried a most interesting article in its eleventh issue: "Starlight in the Dark of the Night" . In this article the author, Wu Zengding, introduced to the reader the autobiography of Vera, an aristocratic Russian woman of the nineteenth century who planned the assassination of a Russian tsar. The most engaging part of this article is the analysis—or rather, description—of the "enormous fascination" exerted by revolution. I have said many times that there is nothing more fascinating for young people (...)
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  33.  51
    The Vision of Gabriel Marcel: Epistemology, Human Person, the Transcendent.Brendan Sweetman - 2008 - Rodopi.
    This book illustrates the profound implications of Gabriel Marcel's unique existentialist approach to epistemology not only for traditional themes in his work concerning ethics and the transcendent, but also for epistemological issues, concerning the objectivity of knowledge, the problem of skepticism, and the nature of non-conceptual knowledge, among others. There are also chapters of dialogue with philosophers, Jacques Maritain and Martin Buber. In focusing on these themes, the book makes a distinctive contribution to the literature on Marcel.Brendan Sweetman, a native (...)
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  34.  69
    Belief revision as propositional update.Jeff Pelletier - unknown
    In this study, we examine the problem of belief revision, defined as deciding whic h of several initially-accepted sentences to disbelieve, when new information presents a l ogical inconsistency with the initial set. In the first three experiments, the initial sentence set included a conditional sentence, a non-conditional sentence, and an inferred conclusi on drawn from the first two. The new information contradicted the inferred conclusion. Results indicated that the conditional sentences were more readily abandoned than non-c onditional sentences, (...)
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  35.  47
    The distribution of quantificational suffixes in Japanese.Kazuko Yatsushiro - 2009 - Natural Language Semantics 17 (2):141-173.
    The existential and universal quantifiers in Japanese both consist of two morphemes: an indeterminate pronoun and a quantificational suffix. This paper examines the distributional characteristics of these suffixes (ka for the existential quantifier and mo for the universal quantifier). It is shown that ka can appear in a wider range of structural positions than mo can. This difference receives explanation on semantic grounds. I propose that mo is a generalized quantifier. More specifically, I assume that the phrase headed by (...)
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  36.  67
    Animal Rights Pacifism.Blake Hereth - 2021 - Philosophical Studies 178 (12):4053-4082.
    The Animal Rights Thesis (ART) entails that nonhuman animals like pigs and cows have moral rights, including rights not to be unjustly harmed. If ART is true, it appears to imply the permissibility of killing ranchers, farmers, and zookeepers in defense of animals who will otherwise be unjustly killed. This is the Militancy Objection (MO) to ART. I consider four replies to MO and reject three of them. First, MO fails because animals lack rights, or lack rights of sufficient strength (...)
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  37. (1 other version)Le sfide morali e politiche del cambiamento climatico [The Moral and Political Challenges of Climate Change].Dale Jamieson - 2010 - la Società Degli Individui 39.
    Il cambiamento climatico globale pone sfide senza precedenti ai nostri mo- di di concepire la morale e la politica. Siamo abituati a vedere un problema morale in situazioni in cui un individuo chiaramente identificabile inten- zionalmente ne danneggi un altro, a sua volta chiaramente identificabile; e in cui sia gli individui coinvolti, che il danno in questione, stiano fra loro in una relazione spazio-temporale di vicinanza. Il cambiamento climatico glo- bale danneggerà senz'altro milioni di persone, ma secondo modalità com- pletamente (...)
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  38.  64
    Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the Subject (review).James J. Brown Jr & Joshua Gunn - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):183-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the SubjectJames J. Brown Jr. and Joshua GunnActs of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the Subject by Thomas Rickert. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. Pp. x + 252. $24.95, hardcover.Thomas Rickert had a falling-out with his brother, and this distresses him so much that his disrupted relation is described as “traumatic.” Rickert reports that while listening (...)
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  39. Hegel, Antigone, and the lynching of Emmett Till.Ryan Johnson - 2024 - In Christian Lotz & Antonio Calcagno, _Reading Continental philosophy and the history of thought_, eds. Christian Lotz and Antonio Calcagno (Lanham, MD: Lexington/Rowman and Littlefield, 2024). Lanham: Lexington Books.
    This paper draws an antigonal line leading from Sophocles’s Antigone to the lynching of Emmett Till. Drawing this line is an attempt to celebrate and honor that spirit of defiance in the name of loving the dead and memorializing loss. In particular, it takes up that portion of the line that centers on lynching. An overarching goal is thus to argue that lynching and its afterlives deserve more philosophical attention than they have received, especially from American philosophers. It is (...)
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  40.  10
    A Propos the Failed First Publication of the Russian Translation of Shu Jing.Lidiya V. Stezhenskaya - 2021 - RUDN Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):320-327.
    The Book of Historical Documents is an ancient Chinese written monument, a collection of addresses of the ruler to the subjects and of the subjects to the rulers. The philosophical meaning of Shu jing is that it mentions or refers to the issues of a broad ideological order. These brief references either gave life to philosophical ideas, or later, after appropriate interpretation, were used by the philosophers to authoritatively confirm their thoughts. The first complete Russian translation of Shu jing was (...)
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    Ippolito Desideri SJ: Opere e Bibliografia (review).Francis V. Tiso - 2008 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 28:166-168.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Ippolito Desideri S.J.: Opere e BibliografiaFrancis V. TisoIppolito Desideri S.J.: Opere e Bibliografia. By Enzo Gualterio Bargiacchi. Roma: Institutum Historicum S.I., 2007. 303 pp.One of the great lacunae in the history of Buddhist-Christian relations has been a lack of attention to the work of missionaries who reported on Buddhist belief and practice in various parts of East and South Asia. As a result, the important work [End Page (...)
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  42. Toward an Affective Problematics: A Deleuze-Guattarian Reading of Morality and Friendship in Toni Morrison’s Sula.Ali Salami & Naeem Nedaee - 2017 - Atlantis 1 (39):113-131.
    It might sound rather convincing to assume that we owe the pleasure of reading the novel form to our elemental repository of physical perception, to our feelings. This would be true only if mere feelings could add up to something more than just emotions, to some deep understanding of the human. After all, a moment of epiphany, where we begin to realize things that dramatically disturb our normal state of mind, is not just emotional, nor indeed a simple moment. (...)
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    Acts of enjoyment: Rhetoric, žižek, and the return of the subject (review).James J. BrownJoshua Gunn Jr - 2009 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 42 (2):pp. 183-190.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Acts of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the SubjectJames J. Brown Jr. and Joshua GunnActs of Enjoyment: Rhetoric, Žižek, and the Return of the Subject by Thomas Rickert. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 2007. Pp. x + 252. $24.95, hardcover.Thomas Rickert had a falling-out with his brother, and this distresses him so much that his disrupted relation is described as “traumatic.” Rickert reports that while listening (...)
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  44. Foundations of Ancient Ethics/Grundlagen Der Antiken Ethik.Jörg Hardy & George Rudebusch - 2014 - Göttingen, Germany: Vandenhoek.
    This book is an anthology with the following themes. Non-European Tradition: Bussanich interprets main themes of Hindu ethics, including its roots in ritual sacrifice, its relationship to religious duty, society, individual human well-being, and psychic liberation. To best assess the truth of Hindu ethics, he argues for dialogue with premodern Western thought. Pfister takes up the question of human nature as a case study in Chinese ethics. Is our nature inherently good (as Mengzi argued) or bad (Xunzi’s view)? Pfister ob- (...)
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  45.  17
    Different Types of Mastoid Process Vibrations Affect Dynamic Margin of Stability Differently.Jiani Lu, Haoyu Xie & Jung Hung Chien - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    The vestibular system is critical for human locomotion. Any deteriorated vestibular system leads to gait instability. In the past decades, these alternations in gait patterns have been majorly measured by the spatial-temporal gait parameters and respective variabilities. However, measuring gait characteristics cannot capture the full aspect of motor controls. Thus, to further understand the effects of deteriorated vestibular system on gait performance, additional measurement needs to be taken into consideration. This study proposed using the margin of stability to identify the (...)
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    A Multi-Block Multivariate Analysis to Explore the Influence of the Somatic Maturation in Youth Basketball.Jorge Arede, Irene Oliveira, Miguel-Angel Ángel Gomez & Nuno Leite - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aim of this study was to examine the influence of somatic maturation in anthropometric, physical, and game-related variables in youth basketball age groups under-13 and under-15. One-hundred and eighty-five basketball players performed anthropometrical and physical tests during a non-official youth basketball tournament. Predicted maturity offset and game-related variables were also analyzed. Cluster analysis was used to analyze the between-maturation status differences in all parameters in each age group. Also, regularized generalized canonical correlation analysis was used to assess relative contributions (...)
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  47. The Uncultivated Man and the Weakness of the Ideal in Classical Chinese Philosophy.Kang Chan - 2000 - Dissertation, Harvard University
    The Chinese philosophical tradition aims at a departure from the imperfect reality for the sake of the ideal. But it is also clear to the Chinese philosophers that most people would not follow their footsteps in discarding reality and seeking the ideal. The weakness of the ideal in its incapacity to change the uncultivated man defines a common thread of philosophical thinking in China, and constitutes a bitter truth which these philosophers do not make explicit. Seven philosophers from the fifth (...)
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  48. Rule Consequentialism and Moral Relativism in advance.Ryan Jenkins - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophical Research.
    Rule consequentialism is usually taken to recommend a single ideal code for all moral agents. Here I argue that, depending on their theoretical mo- tivations, some rule consequentialists have good reasons to be relativists. Rule consequentialists who are moved by consequentialist considerations ought to support a scheme of multiple relativized moral codes because we could expect such a scheme to have better consequences in terms of impartial aggregate well- being than a single universal code. Rule consequentialists who nd compelling (...)
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    Visual design for a mobile pandemic map system for public health.May O. Lwin, Janelle S. Ng, Karthikayen Jayasundar, Astrid Kensinger & Sheryl W. Tan - 2021 - AI and Society 36 (4):1349-1360.
    Incidence and prevalence rates of dengue have increased over the years, and the disease is quickly becoming cause for concern within the public health community. Globally, 128 countries and slightly under four billion people are at risk of contracting dengue. In Sri Lanka, more than half of dengue cases originate in Colombo, which in previous years, used a manual pen-and-paper data management system, which meant that it was not possible to obtain or provide up-to-date information about the severity and (...)
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  50.  21
    Classics in Chinese Philosophy. [REVIEW]G. W. - 1973 - Review of Metaphysics 26 (3):525-525.
    This extensive and generally useful anthology contains extracts from the writings of forty-seven Chinese philosophers, ranging from Confucius, Lao Tzu, Mo Tzu, Chuang Tzu, Mencius, and Hsun Tzu in ancient times to Sun Yat-sen, Hu Shih, Mao Tse-tung, and Fung Yu-lan in the twentieth century. Also included are passages from five books of the sayings of Buddha, on the ground, as stated by the editor, that Buddha "was the historic founder of a religion which profoundly influenced Chinese thinkers." The editor’s (...)
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